I have been fortunate to have amazing friends in life and leadership over the years. Several have endorsed books or projects I have written and I thought you might enjoy reading a few of them here:

“John’s a strategic thinker. He’s a visionary. Pastorpreneur is worth reading. John Jackson knows what he’s talking about because he’s lived it.”
John Maxwell
Founder of Injoy Group

“John Jackson is a father in the Lord who relentlessly pursues the kingdom and exudes wisdom and grace.”
Kris Vallotton
Senior Associate, Bethel Church

“He has a way of reintroducing you to ancient words and you experience them as if it were the first time. As you read Grace Ambassador, prepare to meet grace and experience the kingdom in a fresh and new way.”
Albert Tate
Pastor, Fellowship Church

“In Grace Ambassador, my dear friend Dr. John Jackson opens his heart to the world. If you truly believe the words on the pages of the Bible, you have a responsibility to join Jesus in bringing heaven to earth. Dr. Jackson will guide you as you discover your God-given abilities and use them to usher the grace and love of Christ into the here and now.”
Samuel Rodriguez
Lead Pastor, New Season Worship

“We are living in a chapter of history where so much is at stake. It will require nothing less than heaven-inspired strategies to answer the world’s most pressing problems through a new generation of reformers. With his new book, my good friend Dr. John Jackson has released a timely call to action for believers everywhere. Grace Ambassador wisely instructs, encourages and equips. It is honest and heartfelt and clearly communicates what the Body of Christ needs to hear in this crucial season. This is the Church’s finest hour, and God wants to use you to bring about transformation in your sphere of influence!”
Dr. Ché Ahn
Senior Pastor, Harvest Rock Church

“Dr John Jackson is the leading voice for Christians of impact ready to use their Purpose. His insight and work continue to inspire and equip leaders of all ages to get involved in changing the Culture.”
Gabrielle Bosché
Co-Founder and CEO, The Purpose Company

“With the passion of a God-fearing and willing prophet, Dr. John Jackson speaks the mind of God to the church of God.”
Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin
Pastor, The Potters House

“I’ve known Dr. John Jackson for over twenty-five years and seldom have I met anyone more committed to the ministry and vision of the local church.”
Gene Appel
Senior Pastor, Eastside Christian Church

“John Jackson is a leader of leaders. His insight and foresight challenge me as a leader. And his vision is contagious! If John writes it I’m going to read it.”
Mark Batterson
Pastor, National Community Church

“I was recently interviewed and asked the question, ‘What’s the number one thing you have learned in ten years of launching the Bayside Family of Churches movement?’ I responded, ‘That’s easy—the solution to everything is the right leader.’ John Jackson lives to add value to leaders. I constantly bring him in to evaluate our organization, and mentor our leaders, and his new book, Leveraging Your Leadership Style will be in the hands of the staff at all of our churches the minute it comes off the presses.”
Ray W. Johnston
Sr. Pastor, Bayside Church, Granite Bay

“If the church is going to be salt and light in our current day, the truths of Dr. Jackson’s analysis must reach the church and its leaders. He calls the church to speak out and make positive changes on the five death-injecting elements in our society.”
Dr. Gil Stieglitz
Pastor and Author

“This is a defining moment for the church, and Dr. Jackson’s book will empower you to stand up and step out in the authority God has given you. I declare, as you read this book, it will cause you to be more bold, more courageous, and more compassionate about making a difference in our culture today.”
Dr. Phillip Goudeaux
Pastor, Calvary Christian Center

“President Jackson has written a cry of the heart to stir the faith community to action. As a pastor and educational leader, he boldly calls out our errors while also loving God’s church. This book is from one of God’s shepherds to encourage and help His sheep.”
John Mark N. Reynolds
President, The Saint Constantine School

“My friend and colleague Dr. John Jackson is sounding a clarion call at a most opportune time in history for the people of God, the Ekklesia. His call for the Church in America to live engaged in culture and not isolated from it is compelling and leads us to consider the question, “How shall we then live?” that he answers so brilliantly using the story of David and Goliath. Given Dr. Jackson’s credentials as a renowned scholar coupled with his lifelong experience as a leader and pastor to pastors it is no surprise that The Prevailing Church is a scholarly work, but also extremely practical and inspirational as you live your life for Kingdom impact that will lead to the transformation of cities and nations and ultimately the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Definitely this a must read book!”
Dr. Ed Silvoso
Founder, Transform Our World, Author, Ekklesia

“I admit it. I’m unique. It impacts who I am and how I interact with others. One of the areas in my life where that’s most evident is in my leadership. Leveraging Your Leadership challenges us to consider how our personalities impact how we lead. (That includes leading unique guys like me.)”
Tony Morgan
Pastor, Author, and Consultant

“Dr. John Jackson has provided a helpful tool in a manageable package. Use his wisdom to help you mine through the options to make the right college choice for you.”
Dr. Robert E. Logan
Adjunct DMin Professor at Fuller Seminary

“This book is full of wisdom and practical advice for anyone facing tough decisions. I am grateful for Dr. Jackson sharing these valuable lessons in a conversational way. This book is like speaking with a trusted friend.”
Brady Boyd
New Life Church, Colorado Springs Author of “Remarkable”

“Honest. Practical. Immediately useful. The Right Choice is my choice for inspiring my college-bound triplet teenage grandchildren to think deeper and wider about their college options. The “Decision Matrix” (Dreams, Desires, Details) is brilliant!”
John Pearson
John Pearson Associates, Inc.

“In The Prevailing Church, John Jackson champions the idea that the people of God should be actively engaged in the world to make it possible for people to experience life as God intends (the Kingdom). His call for the church to come out of hiding and demonstrate the kingdom is a welcome and compelling message. The stones you carry in your own bag may or may not match John’s, but his assertion that we are called to be viral kingdom agents should make us assess what we can do to reclaim what hell has stolen. “
Reggie McNeal
Author, Kingdom Come and Kingdom Collaborators

“This book is past due for the Church and our call to help shape culture. Dr. Jackson offers clear, compelling, and practical advice on how the Church is to be the transformational force can be. The chapter on the five giants that shape culture could stand alone as a book worth purchasing. Read this today, but only if you’re ready to be called to a challenge from Jesus.”
William Vanderbloemen
Founder and CEO. Vanderbloemen Search Group