My name is Mike Torres. My wife Neyzer and I and our 3 daughters have been attending CVC for about 5years. I was first drawn to CVC while searching for a good church for a friend. The first visit to CVC was really a critical one, with an eye on the Pastor and an ear on his teaching. They say you don’t get a second chance to give a first impression. Well, that day, they were going to take part in communion, and I was thankful and impressed when Pastor John cautioned those who had not yet accepted Christ to abstain from partaking in the elements. Hearing that, I knew that this church took the Word of God seriously and carefully. So I came again the next week and went through the Discovery 101 class to hear what the purpose, belief, and vision of CVC were.
It is one thing to put it on paper but another one to live it. We continued coming to church and continued to be blessed by the leadership of Pastor John and the leadership of the other staff that we were meeting. All had the heart to serve and gave of their time sacrificially. As I saw how seriously the leaders took their roles, I was impressed and drawn to be a part of what was going to be happening here in the Carson Valley. The leadership is infectious and inspires others to want to be a part of serving others.
In the past two years, my daughter Tamrah and I have been part of the CVC mission team and have had the privilege to go on two trips to Chiapas, Mexico. Each trip was for two weeks and both were led by Pastor Jack Negrete, the Pastor of Missions and Outreach. I was blessed and humbled to see him selflessly serve our team and the people of Mexico that we visited. I could see that the had a passion for what he was doing and that he helped to plant that passion in the other members of the team. CVC has truly been blessed with Pastor Jack’s service to Christ. Jack has set the example for me to follow as I will be leading the next team in 2004. I only hope that I will be as humble and inspirational a leader as he has been to me.
CVC has been a place of inspiration for me and my family, and to see and hear the things that God is doing in the life of others through the body is awesome. Carson Valley is truly blessed and CVC has been blessed by the leadership that God has raised up.
Mike Torres