Presence Filled Ministries

We carry a vision to transform the mountains of culture for the glory of God.  We believe that God is good and that He longs for the church to occupy and have a redemptive love for the world until He returns.

From the context of our role at William Jessup University, we believe that God is establishing Pam in a prophetic role for intercession, inner healing, and deliverance.  We also believe that John is being raised up in an apostolic and teaching role in the Region and beyond.

The following are our sense of our values and tactical steps to come in the future that He is unfolding:

1) We will develop a network of strategic leaders connecting for mutual encouragement and strength to carry the Presence of God into the 7 mountains of culture

2) We will be church catalyzing as we approach the transformation of the 7 mountains.  We have long held this passion, but received a specific confirmation on 5/17/14…from Jack Hayford at lunch after commencement, this was from Pam (He talked about the church as the center of gravity for the Body of Christ)

I’m meditating and praying about this. “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established a chief among the mountains.  It will be raised above the hills.” Is. 2:2

This is one definition of ‘center of gravity”: Center of Gravity, the point at which all of the weight of an object appears to be concentrated. If an object rotates when thrown, the center of gravity is also the center of rotation. When an object is suspended so that it can move freely, its center of gravity is always directly below the point of suspension. An object can be balanced on a sharp point placed directly beneath its center of gravity. It is important for automobiles and trucks to have their centers of gravity located close to the road, because a low center of gravity gives them stability (I especially  like the ‘low center of gravity” example because the road can be thought of as a foundation. I.e. The Word, Jesus, the foundation of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers which the Church is built upon:)

3) We will write a subscription newsletter as a series of strategic briefings about the 7 mountains and kingdom activity as it occurs in real time.  What distinguishes me from Lance Walnau and Os Hillman (and I deeply appreciate and respect both) is that I bring a strong pastoral/theological framework, I have a strategic level of integration among the mountains (Walnau is very strategic, but not very integrated), and I bring a strong organizational leadership framework (Hillman is very good on tactical advice for marketplace leaders, but not as helpful in my view to business owners and leaders).  I’m a leadership guy and people respond to my strategic organizational leadership perspectives.

4) We will host a series of forums (like Q but with greater focus towards strategic action mapping) and executive advances.

5) We will form Regional Covenant Groups meet twice annually in Spring/Fall with calls once per month by facilitator (David Cooke and Gil Stieglitz and Michael Baggett are ideal for this)

6) We will Identify and inspire and resource grassroots people and movements.

7) We will help Pastors reinvision their roles and help to foster the linkages between Prophets, Priests, and Kings.


Dr. John Jackson is the President of Jessup University. He’s the author of 10 books, the most recent being “Grace Ambassador”. He’s a transformative leader, committed to equipping believers and fostering change in their local communities… Read more

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