Session Purpose To challenge our misconceptions about serving and honoring those who serve To model our lifestyles after Jesus’ example of service Note to Leaders The Spiritual Adventure begins next week. Be sure to invite your group back for that six-session study, and invite new people to your group. To Begin: What is the best…
Churches should be innovative in how they reach their communities. But rather than run off to another conference or buy another book, I believe it has already placed the innovators in your church! These innovative people are involved in the marketplace every day of their lives. But instead of having their best creativity and innovative…
Napoleon said of Jesus, “Everything in Christ astonishes me. His spirit overawes me, and his will confounds me. Between him and whoever else in the world, there is no possible term of comparison. He is truly a being by himself…I search in vain in history to find the similar to Jesus Christ or anything which…
Sometimes the best sources of wisdom come from the strangest places. “The Guy Who Couldn’t Make Up His Mind” from Dr. Seuss is one such place. All of us have experiences were we have to make choices. Jesus, the Man presents us with such a choice. The Man we met last week who was God’s…
Dr. John Jackson is a Pastorpreneur. He is a creative dreamer, willing to take great risks for the Kingdom of God. John is a strategic and analytical leader with demonstrated expertise and passion for personal, organizational, and cultural transformation. For almost 40 years, John has served in a variety of leadership roles, including as a…
This week one of our attendees told me, “I am very nervous about this week’s topic at church. In 1984 at the age of 18, I had an abortion. I already had my daughter and had separated from her father after a violent episode. I know that God has forgiven me…but I haven’t forgiven myself. …
Everyone has a unique personality. No problem. Every personality in leadership interacts with other personalities. Now that can be a big problem! In my roughly 30 years of vocational ministry, I have heard (and said!) it many times….”Ministry would be no problem if it weren’t for the people!” I’m sure you are like me in that…
In this series of teachings, I want to help us “Take the Next Step”. You have heard the phrase “WWJD”(or “What would Jesus Do?”). I’d like in this series for us to take the next step and LLJD: ”Live Like Jesus Did”. Theme Verse: “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”…
Let’s review a bit from last week: We can live like Jesus Did if we know the Father like Jesus Did Knowing Who’s You are Determines What You Do We have received tremendous spiritual blessings in Christ(and that is where we must live) Tonight, we’ll begin to address the reality of living our lives in…
Let’s review a bit from last two sessions: We can live like Jesus Did if we know the Father like Jesus Did Knowing Who’s You are Determines What You Do We have received tremendous spiritual blessings in Christ(and that is where we must live) Living Like Christ can only happen through the power of the…