I have been attending CVC for several years, enjoying Pastor John’s sermons, studying the various subjects he has taught on, and enjoying the worship and praise each Sunday. At the same time, I had a desire to become more involved in the church and meet more people. But I just didn’t know how to begin. I knew I wanted to be a contribution and do God’s work. I just didn’t know how to get started. My husband and I started our own business over 20 years ago, and during that time, I developed many skills. At the same time, I made mistakes and came to recognize very clearly my weaknesses. I always had a desire, actually a passion, for contributing to others and making a difference in the world. But whenever I thought about getting involved, doubts would pop up. Considering my weaknesses, where could I fit in? How would I discover what my spiritual gifts were? How would I know if they were from God or my own ideas? Where would I find the time?
I decided to take Discovery Class 301. I realized God created me as a very special person with a very special purpose. The class and Pastor Kevin helped me identify my spiritual gifts. He made some suggestions where CVC could use those gifts. We both prayed for guidance, and I stepped out in faith. Now I am actively involved in First Touch Ministry, confident that I’m doing God’s work. God has a plan for me, and it’s not my job to analyze or figure it out. Each day I turn my life and my will over to Him.
My self-worth has increased greatly. My family is supporting me in finding the time and energy for this work. I’m meeting many wonderful people and receiving much love and support from so many dedicated Christians. Helping introduce many to the love of Christ, I know I am making a difference in people’s lives. My fears and doubts have dissolved. They are replaced by joy, peace, and a much deeper relationship with Christ. I know my life is in His hands, and I need not worry. Whatever I am giving away, I am receiving so much more in return.
Jane Johnson